Love everyone in your life.

Family is someone related to you and a part of your bloodline. I think family is very imporant part of our lives. Some of us have a lot of family while others have none or only a few. Love is really a great gift to give to others. It cost nothing, and it shows you have heart. In my life I have learned that you only live once and you should make your lifr the best it can be by loving the one's around you because they are in your life for a reason. I am not saying that people that are in your life now will always be, because someday they will not be.

Cherish everyday you spend with your parnets too. I lost my dad back in the year 2006, and a day does not go by that I miss seeing him and being able to talk to him. Although I will admit sometimes he got on my nerves but in the end I wish he was still by my side watching me grow with my online writing. He had an English Phd, and a minor in Ethic studies. He was a great man and I am proud to know that he taught me a lot and I learned a lot even though he may have thought I was not listening. This article is a dedication to my father and my hope and belief is someday I will be able to see him and talk to him once again. So to sum this up love everyone in your life because someday they will not be here to LOVE!